srijeda, 29. prosinca 2010.

zapis 3. / recording 3

Mila Čuljak

“Molim Vas da stavite slušalice i da ih ne skidate do kraja izvedbe.
Ukoliko smatrate da ste dobili dovoljno informacija za nastavak – dajte mi znak.
Ovdje je baterija koju koristite kada krenemo u slabije osvjetljen prostor u kojem ćemo se zadržati 6 do 7 minuta.
Ako u bilo kojem trenutku osjetite nelagodu možete se vratiti natrag.
Po povratku, molimo vas da ostavite svoj zvučni zapis.”
Instrukcije za sudionike Blackbox izvedbe

zapis 3.

Prije negoli smo krenule u crnu kutiju galerije, radeći pod upaljenim svijetlima i vođene motorima svojih misli o izvedbi koja se događa u mrakovima nesretnih događanja, pretpostavile smo da je poznavanje sustava “sličnosti” među nama očigledno. Očigledno nije bilo.

Crna se dogodila tek kad smo sjele Jedne naspram Drugih i otvorile kutiju, kazališnu kutiju naših predočekivanja. Kao kakvim smješkom odnešena je ideja o zamišljenom procesu i shvatile smo da je samo zbivanje izmješteno, izneseno i zapisano izvan izvedbe.

Popile smo par pelinkovaca i skoro kao vitez crne psovke jurnule u početak.

Tako se OOUR odmetnuo.

Glazba ga je vodila,

s narančinom kriškom, žvačući H ispred salona u zapuhanom koncertnom limbu, bez stvaranja bijele kutije, Eva mu je potvrdno rekla:
(:zero killed:)
with love

Mila Čuljak

“Please put your headphones on and do not take them off until the end of the show.
If you think that you have got enough information to continue – give me a sign.
Here is a battery that you will use when we enter the poorly lit space, where we will stay for 6 or 7 minutes.
If you begin to feel uneasy at any time, you can go back.
We would kindly ask you to leave your sound recording upon return.”

Instructions for the participants of Blackbox

recording 3

Before we entered the black box of the gallery, working with the lights on and moved by the motor of our thoughts about the performance that was taking place in the gloom of unfortunate events, we supposed that the knowledge of the system of “similarities” between us was obvious. Apparently it was not.
The black occurred when we sat down, Ones facing the Others, and opened up the box, the theatre box of our preliminary expectations. As if wiped away with a smile, the idea of an invented process was gone and we realized that the happening itself was displaced, taken out, and recorded outside of the performance.
We drank a few brandies and rushed into the beginning, almost like the knight of the dark curse.

That is how OOUR escaped all manipulation.
Music was guiding it,

and with a slice of orange in her hand, chewing H before the salon in the breathless limbo of the concert, without a sweet, acknowledged, created white box, Eva said:

(:zero killed:)
with love

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